~We are a founder region of IEF.
~We are grassroots Christians from all sorts of Christian traditions.
~We have grasped the value of working together for the Kingdom of God.
~We worship together and are enriched by the breadth of liturgical experiences.
~Membership gives us valuable opportunities to meet fellow Christians from a worldwide spectrum of traditions.
~We debate matters of social, spiritual and ethical consequence in a broad Christian forum.
~As grassroots members we feel enabled to influence the ecumenical movement.
~We can avoid getting too tied up in individual Church structures, but keep aware of new initiatives.
~We have access, through the bodies with which we are associated, to the broader worldwide ecumenical movement.
~We return from meetings, regional or international, buzzing with ideas and a thirst to develop church life, where we are in our own place of worship or on our local ecumenical scene.
~We seek to become empowered to take action in our local communities and in the wider world.
~We seek to encounter people of faith from all religions and engage in a meaningful dialogue to mutual and community benefit.
~We are able to allow our encounters with Christians and others across Europe and beyond to permeate our spiritual outlook and responses.
The story of the International Ecumenical Fellowship (IEF) is the story of pilgrims from many places, journeying together towards the same destination – the renewal and unity of the Christian Church.
Our inspiration has been the vision and the experience of living today the Church of tomorrow. Our experience is at its richest when we come together at an international conference and share in study and discussion and experience each other's liturgies.
Members of IEF come, at present, from at least ten different European countries, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Hungary
We have also recently added an African Chapter which is affiliated to us and is operating mainly in Kenya and Uganda. There is also a South American group based in Colombia working towards affiliation.
We are a fellowship of Christians from many denominations, who are challenged by the prayer of Jesus Christ:“that they may all be one” (John 17,21).We are committed to the conciliar process of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
We listen to one another, to increase our openness and deepen our relationships through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We seek to live our unity in reconciled diversity.
We learn from each other through sharing in discussion, study and the mutual experience of liturgies.
We celebrate one another's cultures and enjoy each other's company.
We are partners with the Conference of European Churches (CEC) and in many countries are associated with different national ecumenical bodies.
Living Today the Church of Tomorrow